Robert Stout Background Introduction

  • I started my career as Fiber Engineer on the long-haul network for Global Crossing (which was purchased by Level 3 and now Century Link)
  •  Career Highlights:
    • I was in charge of the fiber splicing, installing, and maintaining of all the fiber in Global Crossings’ long-haul network.   I also handled all the riser fiber builds in the carrier hotel in every major US city. (Over 320 sites)
    • I was in charge of testing and characterization of the long-haul fiber network.  Long-haul network was 20,000 plus route miles.
    • I personally spent 2 years on the road testing ¾ of the long-haul network.  Tests performed included: OTDR long haul trace, reflectance trace, ORL test, end to end power meter test, chromatic dispersion and polar mode dispersion tests
    • If there was a fiber problem that could not be fixed, I was sent to troubleshoot and resolve.
    • I worked countless fiber cuts to preform splice acceptance testing.
    • During my career, we took the network from 16 channels of 10 gig waves to 80 channels of 10 gig waves on 2 fibers.
    • I got to work with the most cutting edge long-haul systems when we did network upgrades.
    • My training and extensive knowledge of fiber was developed during those years.
    • I was lucky enough to work with and was trained by the PHD who developed these long- haul systems.
    • I was taught the science behind the test equipment and I am going to pass this knowledge down to you!